June 18, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Mihail Nepomnaya] إنشاء موقع بدون برمجة WordPress [2018، RUS]"
"[Udemy / Peter Orlov] PHP v.7+ وMySQL الإصدار الجديد [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Roman Akhromeev] دورة Express js لعام 2019 - من أول خادم Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Roman Sakutin / Unity / C#] Unity for Professional | من المبتدئين إلى الأوسط [2020، RUS]"
"[Udemy / شمويل كيريل] إنشاء لعبة Bombermen باسم C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / يوري بورا] React + Redux - لعبة احترافية [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / يوري زولوتاريف] الدورة الأساسية حول أساس C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 سنة) [2022، RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] الكود النظيف [2020، ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL وPostgreSQL: الدليل الكامل للمطورين [2020، ENG]"
"[Udemy، عبد الباري] تعلم برمجة C++ من المبتدئين إلى تطوير البرامج التعليمية / تعلم برمجة C++ - المبتدئين إلى التقدم - الغوص العميق في C++ [5/2020، ENG، HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abd Al Bari] تعلم برمجة لغة ++C من المبتدئ إلى تطوير تطوير البرمجيات / تعلم برمجة C++ - المبتدئين إلى الغوص العميق المتقدم في لغة C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy، عبد الباري] إتقان العمل باستخدام هياكل البيانات والخوارزميات باستخدام C وC++ / إتقان هياكل البيانات والخوارزميات باستخدام C وC++ [06/2019، ENG، HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] بناء شبكة اجتماعية في PHP وMySQL من الصفر [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] موقع ويب كامل ونظام إدارة محتوى بلغة PHP وMySQL من الصفر! [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] تعلم إنشاء موقع للتجارة الإلكترونية باستخدام PHP وMySQL من الصفر! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java للمبتدئين في ساعتين: إنشاء تطبيق مصرفي [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy، Brad Hussey، Code College] دورة تدريبية شاملة لمصممي ومطوري الويب: بناء 23 مشروعًا! [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] كيفية برمجة الألعاب: Tile Classics في JS لـ HTML5 Canvas [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] مختبر برمجة C [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] تعلم MeteorJS من خلال بناء 10 مشاريع حقيقية [2015، ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] التدريب الآلي: من خلال Kaggle-Knowazy [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] الدليل الكامل للمبتدئين في لغة Ruby [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy، Joe Parys، Shahzaib Kamal، Joe Parys Academy] دورة تدريبية شاملة لمطوري الويب: من المستوى المبتدئ إلى المستوى المتقدم [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] دورة مطور الألعاب الكاملة - إنشاء 60 لعبة [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] تعلم برمجة Android 4.0 باستخدام Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] برمجة C للمبتدئين - تدريب عملي! [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] تعلم أساسيات HTML من الصفر [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] معسكر تدريبي كامل لمطوري الويب - من المبتدئ إلى الخبير [2015، ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] كن مصمم ألعاب: السلسلة الكاملة [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] إنشاء رسوم متحركة باستخدام HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] تعلم برمجة C: لغة C [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver مع Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] أساسيات JavaScript للمبتدئين مقدمة إلى البرمجة [2016، ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] دورة شاملة في ASP.net MVC [2015، ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] دورة Java I/O كاملة للمبتدئين [2015، ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] دورة تدريبية حول Jquery للمبتدئين – تعلم jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] مقدمة إلى Apache Spark للمطورين والمهندسين [2015، ENG]"
  • Like
Reactions: ihavenobariin and zekawe0
July 19, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
  • Like
Reactions: humza
Active Member
April 22, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
New Member
July 19, 2024
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To see this hidden content, you must reply and react with one of the following reactions : Like, Love, Wow
i am very happy
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
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Reactions: zekawe0
Active Member
May 7, 2024
Reaction score
dope bro thanks
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
July 22, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
great contetn
July 22, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
Jackpot 🤣
July 22, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
Wow 😍
New Member
July 22, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
is this reall
July 22, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
July 23, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
July 23, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
thank u so much
July 21, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy, Jack Burum] The Complete Beginners Guide to Ruby [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Joe Parys, Shahzaib Kamal, Joe Parys Academy] The Complete Web Developer Masterclass: Beginner To Advanced [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Bura] The Complete Game Developer course - Build 60 Games [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, John Purcell] Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, LearnGood Academy] C Programming For Beginners Hands-On! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Mohammad Tahir Ahmed] Learn HTML Basics From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Robeen Dey] The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, School of Game Design] Become a Game Designer : The Complete Master Series [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Sunil Kumar Gupta] Creating Animations using HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, TweakCoder eLearning Solutions] Learn C programming: C language [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Vaibhav Gupta] Selenium WebDriver with Java [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy,Laurence Svekis] JavaScript Basics for Beginners Introduction to coding [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / 3D BUZZ] Comprehensive ASP.net MVC [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / AKINCI Training] Complete Java I/O for Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Abdull Waheed] Jquery tutorial for beginners – Learn jquery [2018, ENG]"
"[Udemy.com / Adastra Academy] Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers [2015, ENG]"
  • Like
Reactions: Capthadock97
Active Member
July 20, 2024
Reaction score
This is easily the biggest Udemy leak on site, with more than 1120 courses leaked.
There is a lot of work behind this collection, please keep seeding for everyone else.

Magnet URLs never expire! If the download link of this list expires, let me know and I will re-upload it.


[Hidden content]

Example of the first 100 courses in this leak:
Show ContentSpoiler:
"[Code with Mosh] [Mosh Hamedani] All Courses Pack (codewithmosh.com + Udemy + Pluralsight) [2020, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch [2015, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in HTML5 [2014, ENG]"
"[Eduonix Learning Solutions / Udemy.com] Projects in Java [2014, ENG]"
"[Infinite Skills / Udemy.com] Learning MySQL 5 Training Video [2012, ENG]"
"[JREAM.com / Udemy.com] PHP Punch in the Face [2015, ENG]"
"[JS knights / Udemy.com] JavaScript from Scratch for Very Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / David Sherret] Mastering TypeScript [2015, ENG]"
"[PacktPub.com / Udemy.com / Lalith Polepeddi] Learning Flask [2015, ENG]"
"[Packtpub.com / Udemy.com / Eduonix Learning Solutions] Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide [2018, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Applications R12 Inventory - Fundamentals & Advance [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 - AOL & System Administrator for Developers [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle EBS R12 Architecture and Multi-Org Concepts for Devel [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle SQL 11g + Oracle Apps R12 DBA [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle Workflow [2015, ENG]"
"[Parallel Branch Inc / Udemy.com] Oracle XML Publisher for Developers - Essentials [2015, ENG]"
"[Qscutter.com / Udemy.com] Google Maps JavaScript API For Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[Startup Saturdays / Udemy.com] Introduction to Mobile Application Development - Certificate [2014, ENG]"
"[Stone River eLearning / Udemy.com] PHP for Absolute Beginners [2015, ENG]"
"[The App Dojo / Udemy.com] This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course [2015, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Experience Design Patterns In Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learn Test Driven Development in Java [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Learning Akka [2016, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Advanced with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Core Intermediate with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Quick and QML For Beginners [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt Widgets for Beginners with C++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Qt core course headings for beginners with C ++ [2018, ENG]"
"[UDEMY] Scala for Java Developers (in Russian) [2015, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ben Tristem] Make Mobile VR Games in Unity with C# for Google Cardboard [2017, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Бинарное дерево поиска [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Двоичные числа. Все о дополнительном коде и плавающей точке [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Cronis Academy] Оценка сложности алгоритмов. Нотация Big O [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla / Vlad Burmistrov] Полный Курс Python 3: от Новичка до Мастера (Питон, Пайтон) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Jose Portilla] Полный Курс Python С Нуля До Героя [2017, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Nail Alishev ] Advanced Java [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Symfony с нуля на реальном проекте [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / PHP Academy] Парсеры, роботы, автоматизация, Selenium, PhantomJS на PHP [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Ray Wenderlich] iOS 12 and Swift 4 for Beginners: 200+ Hands-On Tutorials [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Serhii K] Practical OpenGL and GLSL shaders fundamentals with C++ [2019, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Stephen Grider] Node JS: Advanced Concepts [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy / Александр Болотников] Создание HTML5 игр на JavaScript и Canvas [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Андроид разработка с нуля до Junior + Java для начинающих [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Андрей Сумин] Котлин - быстрый старт [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Антон Ларичев] Node.js - с нуля, основы и построение архитектуры приложений [2021, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Владилен Минин] React JS. С Нуля до Профессионала. Полный курс [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Доминик Кузьмицкий] Angular 9. Практический курс по созданию Интернет Магазина [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Java. Клиент-серверное приложение. Многопоточное [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со словами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Игры со спрайтами на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Создание сайта на Yii ручками, без использования шаблонов [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Евгений Волосатов] Шахматы на JavaScript [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Посадка верстки и создание тем на CMS WordPress [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Иван Петриченко] Практический JavaScript (Продвинутый уровень) [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Игорь Судакевич] Подготовка к сертификации Java 8, Oracle Certified Associate [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Лучшие практики проектирования и реализации API на C# [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Практический курс для новичков по SQL и PostgreSQL [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Илья Фофанов] Программирование на C# от новичка до специалиста [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Константин Голиченков] Изучаем React.js 16.7 & Redux [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Мефодий Келевра] SQL инъекции и тестирование баз данных для начинающих [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Михаил Непомнящий] Создание сайтов без программирования на WordPress [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Петр Орлов] PHP v.7+ и MySQL с нуля [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Ахромеев] Express js курс 2019 - от нуля до первого сервера на Node js [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Роман Сакутин / Unity / C#] Unity для профессионалов | От Junior до Middle [2020, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Шмойлов Кирилл] Создание игры Бомбермен на языке C# - Boomberman [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Бура] React + Redux - Профессиональная Разработка [2019, RUS]"
"[Udemy / Юрий Золотарев] Фундаментальный курс по основам C# .NET [2018, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Bogdan Stashchuk] JavaScript - Полный Курс По JavaScript (Включает 80 Задач) [2022, RUS]"
"[Udemy | Maximilian Schwarzmüller] Clean Code [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Ryan Dhungel] React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development [10-2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy | Stephen Grider] SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advance - Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Изучение программирования на С++ от новичка до глубокого погружения продвинутого уровня / Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced Deep Dive in C++ [5/2020, ENG, LQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Bari] Мастерство работы со структурами данных и алгоритмами при использовании C и C++ / Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ [06/2019, ENG, HQ]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abdul Wali] Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Abhay Redkar] Java for Beginners in 2 hours: Build a Banking Application [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Brad Hussey, Code College] Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects! [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Chris DeLeon] How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Dexter Code Lab] C programming Laboratory [2016, ENG]"
"[Udemy, Eduonix Learning Solutions] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects [2015, ENG]"
"[Udemy, ITtensive] Машинное обучение: из грязи в Kaggle-князи [2020, RUS]"
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