Hey! I was reading about cloned card cashout. Is it really a thing? Let's say one have a cloned card that is ready for atm cashout. What are the general guideline for security anonymity considerations? Can't find much on the web. Is it 100% scam or a honeypot? I found few verified trusted sellers tough
If you found verified and trusted sellers then you good to go.
But when cashing out at the ATM,
1. You gotta do is make sure you're
ALWAYS disguised (make sure you put on a hoodie and a cap or nosemask).
2. Make sure the hoodie you put on isn't too colourful (should contain at most 2 colours with no printed designs on the hoodie same with the cap and nosemask because you can be traced easily with those designs. Should also be a dark coloured hoodie say black, dark blue etc.
3. Never cash the cloned card at any ATM near your place of rest or work. Drive to an ATM at least an hour away from your location to prevent easy detection.
Apart from ATMs, you can also cash clone cards with other methods like btc or shopping products like gadgets, clothing , shoes and etc.